Posts tagged “baby sleep

Babies: The Simple Design

 Here’s a little insight into the simple design of your baby.


newborn baby sleeping

Sleeping Peacefully

Babies Sleep When They Are Tired

Unlike adults who push themselves to stay awake to get things done, your baby will happily go to sleep when sleepy. Your baby is most successful at falling asleep when warm, dry, fed, burped, and held. About 20 minutes after falling asleep your baby should be in deep sleep. Deep sleep allows you to transfer your baby to another sleeping place if necessary, without fear of waking your baby. It’s a perfect design.

Babies Eat When They Are Hungry

Like adults your baby will eat in response to hunger. Unlike adults your baby will not eat (or overeat) because of stress, boredom, or a clever commercial. Babies eat because they are hungry, and they stop when they are full. It’s that simple.

Babies Cry For A Reason

Having a baby that cries occasionally is expected, but did you know that your baby isn’t just crying at random? Something will cause your baby to cry, such as pain, hunger, or discomfort of some kind. Pain, hunger, and discomfort are problems your baby cannot solve alone. Your baby is “asking” you, in the baby language of crying, to help solve the problem.

Keeping your baby’s simple design in mind provides benefits for both of you, present and future. Honoring your baby’s design is a measure of respect.

For you and yours,

D. Fravert, RN

Tips About Feeding

Tips about feeding that will make your baby and you happy.

newborn baby burping upright

Upright After Feeding

Upright After Feeding

Holding your newborn in an upright-burping position over your shoulder for about 20 minutes after feeding is a very important tip. It may sound like a luxury, but I assure you it is a worthwhile endeavor.

After a Feeding  

Newborns usually fall asleep easily after a feeding. A little upright holding with your baby’s arms over your shoulder, a little patting, and soon you have a happy, sleeping baby. The newborn in the picture shows how completely relaxed in sleep your baby can be after a feeding.

Deep Sleep

And, 20 minutes after falling asleep your baby should be in a deep-sleep state. Once in deep sleep it’s easy to transfer your baby to the crib without waking your baby.

More Comfortable

Your newborn should also be more comfortable and settle more easily because all of the burps should have a chance to escape during the extra holding and burping time.

Less Spitting Up

Upright after feeding also provides the added benefit of leaving the food inside when your baby burps. That’s not always the case when you lay your baby down shortly after a feeding. Frequently, these lying-down baby burps push out some of the milk too!

Saves Time and Laundry

In the long run your baby should spit up much less with the additional holding time, which means less laundry for you and more comfort for your baby. You may save time by taking time with your baby.

Spending this relaxing time with your newborn is very enjoyable as you’ll soon see.

For you and yours,

D. Fravert, RN

Newborn Sleep: Knowing This Helps

The following information should ease your worries about newborn sleep.

Newborn Sleeping

Sleeping Newborn

Sleep and Development

Newborn sleep is precious to you and very beneficial to your baby. Research has shown that when your baby is sleeping, your baby is growing physically and developing mentally. During sleep, particularly during light sleep, your baby’s brain is growing in size, as well as developing in areas of memory and learning. Since your newborn’s brain will nearly double in size during the first year of life, as you would expect, your newborn will sleep a lot to accommodate that brain growth activity. Baby sleep is designed this way for your newborn’s healthy development.

Sleep and Safety

When your baby is sleeping, about half the time is spent in light sleep (REM) and the other half in deeper sleep (Non-REM). In light sleep your baby can easily be awakened by uncomfortable sensations such as hunger, cold, or lack of oxygen (perhaps from a stuffy nose). Waking in response to a need for food, warmth, or more oxygen is extremely important to maintain your newborn’s health.

Scientists believe that baby sleep, that is, lots of light sleep allowing your baby to wake easily for food, warmth, or oxygen, is designed this way for your baby’s survival.

Thank you! in advance Mother Nature, because it may be hard to remember to be thankful in the middle of a sleepless night.

Peace Of Mind and Gratitude

Understanding this perfect design of baby sleep … waking easily to ensure survival and healthy development … gives you peace of mind, and allows you to be thankful in the wee hours of the morning when your newborn is awake, yet again.

For you and yours,

D. Fravert, RN