Tips for Scheduling Your Newborn’s First Appointment

Perhaps this inside information will be helpful for scheduling your baby’s first visit with the doctor.

newborn baby in hospital

Day of Discharge – Going Home

Magic Words

When you call the doctor’s office to schedule your baby’s first appointment, mention that your newborn was just released from the hospital. These are magic words. Baby doctors routinely allow special appointments in their schedules to be set aside for newborns. You should be able to easily schedule an appointment for your baby.

Special Waiting Room Area

When you make your baby’s first appointment, also ask if there’s a special place in the waiting room for parents with newborns—away from the patients who are sick. Most clinics offer this option, or will try to room you and your newborn right away after check-in. Just ask.

Timing for First Visit

If your baby’s doctor examines your baby on the day of discharge (the day you take your baby home) from the hospital, the usual appointment time for that first visit is 2 weeks after discharge.

If your baby’s doctor does not have privileges where you deliver your baby and is not able to examine your newborn, then the first visit will be 1-2 days after you take your baby home. Since your baby’s doctor has never seen your baby, the visit is scheduled right away.

Now you can anticipate your new baby’s first appointment feeling a little more relaxed.

For you and yours,

D. Fravert, RN

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